06 November 2011

Six Sentence Sunday 11/6/11

Hello, and Welcome darling sixers! This week's six is from my brand new WIP. Not sure if it's gonna be m/m, m/f, or some combination thereof just yet, so bear with me here. Right now, I know that it's contemporary, it's called Damn That Radio, and my hero, James, is having a pretty tough night.

“I wish my dick was magical,” I say, watching the shooting star as it plummets towards the Earth. “That no one will be able to resist it and as soon as they have it, they’ll want it forever.” I close my eyes and repeat the wish in my head. For half a second, I think I feel something rolling down my spine, leaving a tingling warmth in its place, but a second later and I’m sure I imagined it.
I open my eyes again and the world shimmers in front of me. Fuck that; I am not about to cry over her.

For more authors who may or may not be wishing on shooting stars, be sure to check out the official Six Sentence Sunday site here.


  1. Oh, I can see where this one is going. Sounds like it's going to be a fun hot read!

  2. Hey Brien! Love the six (and the photo)! Happy Sunday, my friend!

  3. What a photo and wow, emotional 6

    SLira writing as BLMorticia

  4. Very nice. Love the way this is starting to take shape.

  5. Oh, this is definitely going to be interesting! And very delicious picture, too!

  6. Oh man. Now THERE is a premise!

  7. That might be the best 1st line I've ever read.

  8. Don't all guys already wish that, lol? I love your voice here. Fantastic six!

  9. Oooh, careful what you wish for! Great six, Brien. :)

  10. aww... poor guy. i can see what trouble he's about to have. lol

  11. I love the raw emotion in your six. The picture ROCKS, Brien (and so does Graylin's comment above LOL)!

  12. Nothing wrong with a little wishful thinking. Great six! :)

  13. Do all men wish for that? lol A good six! Wish away, hot man.

  14. Great construction! Loving it.

  15. Wow! Some people wish on the tooth fairy and some...

  16. He wants a magic wand?! LOL! And I love your last line. Lots of great characterization here.

  17. Aw, poor baby! Just one question-did she not like him or not like his dick? Lol! Or is this one and the same for a man? As a woman, I can't imagine making a similar wish, so I really, really appreciate seeing this new pov. :-)

  18. Kudos! I love authors who can write in the present tense, and write it well. And a magical dick? LMAO! Very clever six.
