29 January 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 1/29/12

Welcome back, sixers! Today we're gonna take a trip back in time. Back to Last Friday Night, which releases from Etopia Press this Friday! Am I the only one who hates waking up in the dark?

Friday, 1:19 a.m.
Jessie’s eyes snapped open, tendrils of fear still tight around him. The room was bathed in shadows. He could feel someone’s gaze on him, sliding along is skin like a slug, and the shadows gave whoever was watching him plenty of places to hide. Reaching for the lamp on his bedside table, he clicked it on, bathing the room in a deep orange glow.
Everything was exactly as he’d left it, and he was quite alone.

For more authors who may or may not feel like they're being watched, be sure to check out the official Six Sentence Sunday site here.


  1. A very normal response to wakes up in a start. You gave two uses of bathe in these six sentences, however. Just pointing it out.

    Thanks for sharing.
    J.W. Parente

  2. Nice work with the fear. Great six.

  3. Oh, that is so creepy. Love the slug part.

  4. That's the worst feeling. It happens to me all the time (thinking someone is there), but in my case when I switch the light on I usually see my daughter standing next to my bed. She's a bit of a sleep walker. ;-) Great six. Very emotional.

  5. Ew, the slug... Great, descriptive six. Totally creeped me out.
    And congrats on release day! :)

  6. Wow, some really great visualization. You really brought that pounding, sweaty moment of waking in fear to life. Great job.

  7. Very creepy. I love the slug, I could feel that gaze and it made me shudder. Great six and congrats on the new release!

  8. very descriptive. well done.

  9. I got the chills reading that. A fabulous six! :)

    Congrats on your upcoming release!

  10. Wow, a lot of fear in that Six.

    SLira aka Michael M/BL

  11. I hate that feeling of being watched. Creeps me out! Fantastic six!

  12. Great tension, great writing. He was being watched, wasn't he?

  13. oooh creepy, I HATE when that happens...

  14. Eerie and evocative, well done!

  15. 'sliding along is skin like a slug' -- that's awesome!
